31 March 2010

Today I learned that..

The Porsche emblem weighs 32 grams

the one that's encrusted in the front of the car that is..

30 March 2010

Today I learned that.

There is a story behind the Little Peeing man in Brussels.

Supposedly the kid of a wealthy man got lost and for five days wasn't found. Then he was finally found on the corner of the street the statue now lies, peeing. Thus the statue of a little peeing boy.

29 March 2010

Today I learned that...

The weather can be very bipolar.

one minute it's pouring rain, the next the clouds have magically vanished and it's super sunny outside.

28 March 2010

Today I learned that...

Moving is an extremely physical and tiring activity.

moving, as in moving home, not just moving around.

27 March 2010

Today I learned that..

Polla means dick in spanish

not to be confused with pollo, which is chicken!!!!!!!! don't go ordering dick nuggets at Mc donalds

Source: A.T.E (pahahaha)

26 March 2010

Today I learned that..

Some people don't understand the concept of dressing according to the weather.

Because it's pouring outside and you're wearing really short shorts and wellies... really?

25 March 2010

Today I learned that..

some people really don't understand the purpose of a fable with a moral.

It's not supposed to be a nice story with a happy ending that makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside."but the camel didn't do anything bad it shouldn't have died because the others wanted to eat him!!", yeah sure.. but the MORAL of the story is that there is strength in numbers. Besides, it's the animal kingdom, if they need to eat, they will kill to eat. Deal with it!

24 March 2010

Today I learned that..

Having a spanish accent in any language is extremely sexy.

Think about it... Didn't you love that dude in Vicky Cristina Barcelona? even though he was crazy?

23 March 2010

Today I learned that..

There are three topics that will definitely cause an argument: Money, Politics and Religion.

Don't get into those, unless you're ready for some verbal action...And hopefully, no violent action. Even though these three topics are generally the cause of mass violence.

22 March 2010

Today I learned that..

there are two different types of tennis balls

The winter balls which are pressure-less and the "summer" balls which are pressurized. Because we all know that atmosphere influences pressure...

21 March 2010

Today I learned that..

I really hate being drunk

because I can't control my stability, my movements,... I'm a really energetic and active person and when I'm drunk I really hate not being myself because of the effect of alcohol.
I also hate waking up in the morning and not remember everything that happened during the past evening!

20 March 2010

Today I learned that...

you can get really drunk with beer.

It's not that I didn't know, but it's such a light alcohol percentage that it's most likely for me to be a casual drink and not a getting drunk drink...

19 March 2010

Today I learned that...

I am 100% sure I want to be a director.

It's so much fun!!

18 March 2010

Today I learned that..

"Monkey see, monkey do" uses the word "monkey", but it should really use "human".

Sure, monkeys copy what they see people doing. But who copies what other people are doing MORE than other humans? Which is also nowadays called "influence", be it good or bad...

17 March 2010

Today I learned that..

A boombox is not a toy.

and you have to know your limits with a boombox.

Source: The Lonely Island

16 March 2010

Today I learned that..

When you've noticed a mistake in your course book it means you've probably already understood that course.

Unless you're noticing a spelling mistake in your maths book, then it doesn't mean you ace maths.
But, in my case, when you notice a mistake in Accounting accounts when you've only been studying the course for 6 weeks, and your lecturer who wrote the book who has been an accountant for over 30 years is freaking out because of his error, I'm probably well off. WOO. satisfaction.

15 March 2010

Today I learned that..

When the first thing you do when you come out of a lecture/airport/public building is smoking, you're a slave of nicotine.

Think about this image: you're on your knees, attached by your neck with a heavy chain, and at the other end there's a big fat cigarette. At the moment when you're actually ALLOWED to smoke it yells at you "SUCK ON ME", and you do so, because well, you're attached with a chain, what else can you do? Wow, you're sort of getting orally raped by your smokes..

14 March 2010

Today I learned that..

Being tidy prevents you from stepping on and breaking valuable things.

The only time my room is a mess, I break something. This is true people, don't take it as a joke!

13 March 2010

Today I learned that..

You shouldn't try to fight being tired.

No matter what you do, you're going to fall asleep, because your body will eventually say "SCREW YOU, I need sleep NOW" and shut off. This happened to me today.

12 March 2010

Today I learned that..

The only relationships that are forever are the ones with people you are connected with by blood.

Your sister will always remain your sister, your boyfriend will probably not remain your boyfriend, your friends might one day become your enemies, your wife might get a divorce, your mother will always be your mother.

11 March 2010

Today I learned that..

For lent you're supposed to start something new, not stop something you've been doing a lot.

Silly christians, don't get their events right...

10 March 2010

Today I learned that...

Being busy is good, too busy is not.

When you're too busy you forget to do a lot of things, and in the end, it only brings trouble...

9 March 2010

Today I learned that..

A good teacher really makes a difference.

If you have a bad teacher you are very likely to hate or dislike the class/ course. But if you have a smiley, funny, active or just plain good teacher, it really makes a difference as far as liking the class and understanding/being good at it. I have amazing arabic teachers as well as a terrific accounting teacher. I would never have taken let alone continue these complicated subjects if it wasn't for them!

8 March 2010

Today I learned that..

apparently guys love the "pretty homeless girl" look

basically, trashy clothes that don't necessarily match, but nice underwear. And a cute face of course..

Source: Vittorio C.

7 March 2010

Today I learned that...

Packet waffles + toaster = delicious crunch

don't put it for long though! it'll come out a bit soft but it'll get hard quite fast (that's what she said..)

6 March 2010

Today I learned that..

It's never too early or too late to apologize

... however, it can be too early or too late to be able to forgive.

5 March 2010

Today I learned that...

When people who don't know each other make the same comment about you, you should start believing it.

according to this new rule, I have amazing legs... :]

4 March 2010

Today I learned that..

Noticing that something that annoys you is occurring is horrible.

you can't stop thinking about it, and it attracts your attention and enhances it so that you start to become mad. It's AWFUL. What i mean by "something that annoys you" is something like the clicking of a pen, the slurping of a drink, the snorting of a nose, droplets of water falling in the sink... ARGH!!! I can't stand them. Once I notice they're there, I'm doomed, I can't un-notice it and it drives me mad.

3 March 2010

Today I learned that..

There's a song for each one of your emotions

listen to it. Either the rhythm reflects your mood, or the lyrics describe your feelings. So if you don't know how to explain how you feel to someone, someone has already done so, in song, all you have to do now is find that song. :)

2 March 2010

Today I learned that..

Good things happen to good people

Yes! Karma strikes back. Not only when you do bad things, when you do good things, karma likes to show its appreciation by making good stuff happen to you. Today, my friend and I found £60, we split it, it was a good day, for good people...

1 March 2010

Today I learned that..

the weather has a great influence on your mood.

don't let bad weather get you in a bad mood though. It's a new dawn, it's a new day, and you should be feeling good.