A house will never be cleaner than when you checkout of a property you’ve rented.
Or at least it should normally be (clean).
I learnt it, now it's your turn.
A house will never be cleaner than when you checkout of a property you’ve rented.
Or at least it should normally be (clean).
Human energy works in parallel with the mind.
Having two exams in a row may seem tiring, but once they’re over, and especially if they’re the very last ones, I will have more energy than ever and feel like partying. It’s because I feel good and happy that they are over, so my body gives me energy… I guess.
Being the editor of a foreign language film is instructive.
It's the best way to memorize said film and learn said foreign language. In my case: Arabic.
You will always remember your first time.
Whatever domain it is in. It’s either an AMAZING thing (even if the second and third time were considerably greater it will always seem as if it was better) that will make you smile everytime someone mentions it, or it will be AWFUL (even if it wasn’t that bad, since it’s the first time, everything is increased) and you’d rather forget it.