31 August 2010

Today I learned that..

A cat transforms his anxiety into affection

Like when he's taken for a car drive, which may not be his most favourite activity, he will want to be petted and stroked in order to calm his anxiety and/or stress. In this case, do give them attention, it will make your ride more fun too. Also this only works if you let them loose, if not, they want affection but they are stuck in a cage so all they do is meow.

30 August 2010

Today I learned that..

The newest punctuation is: the interrobang,

it's a question mark and an exclamation mark at the same time! It is also called a quesclamation mark. It helps mark surprise and question in texts. A sentence ending with this new punctuation means you're asking something in an exciting manner.

29 August 2010

Today I learned that..

The cheated always gets mad at the cheatee.

The girlfriend will get mad at and hate the girl/guy with whom her boyfriend/girlfriend cheated on her with. Why? Because she feels like her partner has done no wrong and it's all the cheatee's (person who was cheated with) fault. She or he forced her partner to cheat (so she thinks). This is also valid if the girlfriend is a boyfriend, of course.

The catch: A is a man, B is a woman.
Exhibit 1: If A loved B really much, no matter how much a person flirts with him, he will stay faithful to B.
Exhibit 2: If A doesn't love B that much, he will fall into temptation or worse he will flirt with another person and cheat on B.

The person A cheats on B with, is irrelevant. It could be C, D, E or Z. That person doesn't matter because he or she was in no way responsible for anything. This person most likely does not know B and is not the one cheating on her. A is. Thus A is the one and only one B should get mad at. If A really loved B, he wouldn't have cheated. Since he did, B should question A's love and faithfulness instead of wasting her time blaming C, D, E or Z.

I hope that this will help you in your future disastrous situations, although I do not wish them upon you.

28 August 2010

Today I learned that..

When cats want attention they will do stupid things

...Like vomit everywhere, pee on your pillow right in front of you, break things,... So in order to avoid all that, just give your cat love and attention every day. And both you and your cat will live a happy peaceful life.

27 August 2010

Today I learned that..

Fruits and things have feelings and a life of their own.

And Terry Border photographed this incredible unknown fact about life. He is amazing. Kudos and much appreciation, Terry!

Grandpa visits the grandchildren.

26 August 2010

Today I learned that..

There is no El Dorado

There was though. There was a man near Bogota who would cover himself with gold powder yearly and then went to the center of the lake Guatavita. Whilst he was praying, people would throw gold objects and precious stones into the lake. When the Conquistadors came they found the lake, drained it and found the jewels. However, they were disappointed because their discovery didn't live up to their expectations -they wanted MORE stuff. So they made a story up of a land faraway in the Andes called El Dorado which overflew with precious stones and metals.

El Dorado was found. There is no such thing anymore as it was obviously pillaged by the Spaniards.

25 August 2010

Today I learned that..

Guys with girlfriends can't be friends with girls.

It just doesn't work out. Either because the girlfriend is jealous of the girl, or because the guy is too scared to tell his girlfriend that he is allowed to have girl friends. After all, a great man once said "women are men with boobs" hence making us super men and superior to you. You can have boy friends, you can have girl friends. So let's be friends?

Also, I seem to be girlfriend's worst nightmare. I don't get it. I've never stolen a guy nor ever wanted to. That's pathetic I don't even want a boyfriend. Silly boys... Well I guess there's nothing to do about it.

SINGLE BOYS: let's be friends.

24 August 2010

Today I learned that..

Cats don't like to dirty their mustaches

which is why their food bowls are shallower than those of small dogs. And which is also why you may find the center of the bowl being empty but not the sides when you have given your cat a bowl that is not shallow enough. There IS a reason for specialized cat and dog bowls.

23 August 2010

Today I learned that..

People do this to each other:

22 August 2010

Today I learned that...

Imagination really has no limits

but realization and execution do. But remember: Reality is for people who lack imagination. Knock yourselves out. Write, compose, film, design...

René Magritte

21 August 2010

Today I learned that..

Masturbation in Indonesia is followed by decapitation

it's a crime apparently. I don't get it, it prevents birth and STD's, there are only positive aspects about masturbation! I can't find an explanation online so maybe it's an urban myth...

20 August 2010

Today I learned that..

Skin problems are caused by psychological and situational problems.

And as long as you don't look for the cause of your skin problems, and solve it, it may not heal.

Source: Ton Corps dit: "Aime-toi!"- Lise Bourbeau. It's sometimes scary how acurate and right the definitions in this book are. Available in French, English, German, Spanish, .... 18 languages total, it's THAT good.

19 August 2010

Today I learned that..

Relationships aren't easier for gay couples.

It's apparently an urban myth that gay couples have it easier because well men know how men work and women know how women work. It doesn't work that way because not all men and women work the same way. It's called a stereotype for a reason: it should be taken lightly but not believed.

18 August 2010

Today I learned that..

Turritopsis nutricula is immortal.

and is the only immortal real living being. (Because no, Edward is not real.) It's a kind of jellyfish capable of reverting back to its polyp stage when it feels old, thus not (ever) dying. I guess that population is growing...

17 August 2010

Today I learned that..

Drugs have gone to a whole new level, digital.

iDosing. Say anything to you? it's a digital auditive drug which you can only listen to through earplugs, best lying down and in the dark. It involves having binaural beats -sounds of two different wavelengths playing at the same time- which gets your brain a bit confused. It's supposed to have the effects of Marijuana, ecstasy, cocaine, and also orgasm. Now, whether or not it works... I've heard both stories.

16 August 2010

Today I learned that..

Breaking the stupid laws doesn't feel wrong

It actually feel right, because in your opinion it's the right and correct thing to do! so, as long as you don't get caught breaking them, go for it! Stupid laws include most speed limitations, not being able to drink on the streets, tagging ugly things, and many more...
Just beautiful

15 August 2010

Today I learned that..

The system is deranged

It works for all the wrong reasons which makes life so unfair in matters that could easily be resolved or avoided if people weren't so obsessed with power and money.

14 August 2010

Today I learned that..

Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.

I think that says it all, people. Try, just try things..

13 August 2010

Today I learned that..

He who tries to break up the fight always ends up with a knife in his chest.

So: don't get in BETWEEN fighting people. you can advise them not to individually, but if/when they fight, stay out of it. Whether it's verbal or not.

I learned this half a year ago, but I thought you all should know.

Source: experience!!

12 August 2010

Today I learned that..

During Ramadan, one can't drink water during the day

now that's just cruel. I can understand laying off food for a couple of hours but plain ole' water? come on! Well, kudos to those who can, I couldn't. Water is my drug.

11 August 2010

Today I learned that..

Mars is (one day) going to be livable.

YES! after ruining and destroying one planet, earthlings are now going to mess up another one. What a wonderful species we are... But yeah, that's for 2600 ±

10 August 2010

Today I learned that..

After the foldable bike, the bendable one

advertised as easier to "park" around a lamppost. I'm not sure if it's that much easier though.. looks awesome though!

9 August 2010

Today I learned that..

Working stress-free is more productive

you do things right, and you do them well, so you don't have to do them over again.

8 August 2010

Today I learned that..

Smoking makes your boobs sag

because it damages the levels of collagen and elastin which are the things that keep your breasts "up".


7 August 2010

Today I learned that..

Presentation is key

in order to sell, impress, be elected, ... A good presentation attracts the eye and gets people interested in what you're selling or who you are.

Spices, anyone?

6 August 2010

Today I learned that..

Whale dung is eco-friendly

Their dung releases iron which allows for more phytoplankton which are carbon dioxide absorbing creatures. LET THEM SH*T!

5 August 2010

Today I learned that..

Mayans were gifted in scientific subjects

Mathematics, architecture, astronomy,.. By the way, they say that on december 21st 2012 it will be the change of an era. This, for them, meant that there would be catastrophes such as famine, wars, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, etc, but not the end of the world. On top of this, if you pay attention to the news, all of these things that they predict for the change of the era are already happening today, so no need to panic, it's going to be the same, maybe just a little worse. NOT THE END OF THE EARTH.

4 August 2010

Today I learned that..

Aztecs were all about sacrificing people to honour their gods

We can't even count how many aztecs died during these sacrifices -which consisted of cutting under the diaphragm with a sharp "knife" and pulling out the heart- but the numbers are in the 100 000...
Some people actually VOLUNTEERED in order to provide their family with whatever it was they needed..

3 August 2010

Today I learned that..

Doing a repetitive task needs focusing.

because even though it's the same thing over and over again, if you don't think you start doing it wrong over and over again.

2 August 2010

Today I learned that..

One task at a time means you will be done faster.

If you need to cut a photo then put it in an envelope then seal the envelope, 100 times, it is faster to do each of these tasks separately then to do them all "together".

1 August 2010

Today I learned that..

In geek language, A is 65, B is 66,..., a is 97, b is 98,..

71 101 101 107!!