26 March 2011

Today I learned that..

Without closure, one cannot move on

However much they'd like to. You can tell yourself you're over your ex-lover a thousand times, your mind and subconscious is smarter than you. Talk it out, yell, scream, kiss, but get closure.

Source: 15 months of experience. Trust me on this one.

24 March 2011

Today I learned that..

When traveling, something will go wrong

at least it does for me. I take it as a challenge, and every time I travel I'm excited to know what my challenge will be, and how I will overcome it. I generally do, that's why I have such a positive attitude towards it.

This morning at 10am I realised I lost my wallet somewhere. Without my ID, can't fly home. I leave home at 3pm. Turns out it was in the supermarket. At the train station, I notice that I booked my train for yesterday... But i made it home in due time and safely.

19 March 2011

Today I learned that..

"Teddy" Bears are called that way because of Roosevelt

In 1903 Margaret Steiff's nephew designed the first toy bear with joined arms and legs and presented it at the Leipzig Toy Fair. An american businessman discovered the bear and ordered 3000 of them. From 1906 onwards, the bear was sold as "Teddy Bear", after the current president Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt.

3 March 2011

Today I learned that..

whatever calories you eat after a workout don't count

Because the body consumes them directly. So you should eat immediately after you workout and up to 20 minutes later. This period, known as the golden hour, is when the muscles absorb the most nutrients and when glycogen, an energy reserve in your muscles, is replaced most efficiently.

2 March 2011

Today I learned that..

an unmanly man is called a "milksop"

and not "gay". Gay only refers to homosexuals.

1 March 2011

Today I learned that..

During lent you can't eat meat on fridays

It might be a common fact for you catholics, but I'm an atheist, I didn't know these kinds of things. I'm happy I know what lent is, and what you're supposed to do overall.