31 May 2010

Today I learned that..

A house will never be cleaner than when you checkout of a property you’ve rented.

Or at least it should normally be (clean).

30 May 2010

Today I learned that..

There are dolphins in Scotland.

Which proves they're not only swimming around in hot, tropical waters! But Planet Earth probably taught me that a while ago.

Source: Dornoch Firth

29 May 2010

Today I learned that..

Scotland is like the Dordogne, sprinkled with castles.

Beautiful ones on top of that!

Source: Blair Castle, Dunrobin Castle, Castle of Mey, ...

28 May 2010

Today I learned that..

The west coast of the Scottish Highlands is nothing like the east coast.

The west is more barren and hilly whereas the East has more trees, nicer weather (uhm?)..

27 May 2010

Today I learned that..

Scotland is practically still an untouched land.

You don’t need to travel half way across the world to see barren landscapes and beautiful scenery.

26 May 2010

Today I learned that..

It’s always nice weather when you leave a place.

I don't have an explanation...

25 May 2010

Today I learned that..

Saying your goodbyes is always the hardest.

Especially when you’re not going to see them for a long time. My advice is: do it progressively over 3-4 days.

24 May 2010

Today I learned that..

Human energy works in parallel with the mind.

Having two exams in a row may seem tiring, but once they’re over, and especially if they’re the very last ones, I will have more energy than ever and feel like partying. It’s because I feel good and happy that they are over, so my body gives me energy… I guess.

23 May 2010

Today I learned that..

Being the editor of a foreign language film is instructive.

It's the best way to memorize said film and learn said foreign language. In my case: Arabic.

22 May 2010

Today I learned that..

Summarizing basic Business accounting is easy.

I don’t know what all the big fuss is about. Accounting is NOT hard...as long as you understand it.

21 May 2010

Today I learned that..

You will always remember your first time.

Whatever domain it is in. It’s either an AMAZING thing (even if the second and third time were considerably greater it will always seem as if it was better) that will make you smile everytime someone mentions it, or it will be AWFUL (even if it wasn’t that bad, since it’s the first time, everything is increased) and you’d rather forget it.

20 May 2010

Today I learned that..

There’s no better virtue to have during an oral exam than Charm.

and maybe the right answers... But mainly charm.

19 May 2010

Today I learned that..

Editing a film is the most frustrating and tiring process of filmmaking.

I speak of experience.. And I now forever respect and admire all the editors of the world!

18 May 2010

Today I learned that..

No matter how little I’ve slept, after I’ve had my first exam, I’m too ecstatic to have a nap.

Especially when it went well!

17 May 2010

Today I learned that..

I have OCD

I had a hunch a while back... but now I'm sure. I've made a studying schedule, a food plan, my spices are arranged alphabetically, my shoes are arranged by type and my dresses are arranged by what type of weather they're for, I love making lists for everything and writing everything down. Yeah... I have OCD, and I'm LOVING it!

16 May 2010

Today I learned that..

Venus is always the first and brightest start to shine in the sky

Don't ask me why, it's probably very complicated and involves a lot of symbols I don't understand. :]

Source: ATE (and that's how you know it's something scientific)

15 May 2010

Today I learned that..

watching three films in a row is tiring

Especially if you have to pay particular attention to these films because you're meant to study them. And especially if they are complicated films.

14 May 2010

Today I learned that..

You can study Spanish online with a free amazing site!

Yes, I knew you could study spanish, or any other language for that matter, online, but I just found a sensational site. Very well done as well!

source: http://www.studyspanish.com/

13 May 2010

Today I learned that..

Male urethral catheterization is a subject to avoid talking about to men.

They suddenly become all girly and start biting their hand and holding their crotch with the other. I guess they really do not like the idea of a tube being inserted into their penis...But when you're unable to move, gentlemen,I find you'll be happy that catheters exist, or you'd be peeing yourself until you are fit again.

12 May 2010

Today I learned that..

Watering your garden at night saves you half the water you would need to water your garden in the day.

Because the sun isn't shining, and thus isn't evaporating the water. Your grass and plants need less water. Plus Watering your garden during the day puts drops on the plants which the sun the burns. Did you get it? Water your garden at night.

11 May 2010

Today I learned that..

iMovie '09 has a bug, it makes an incredible movie but it never saves it.

Everyone has this problem but for some reason Apple doesn't acknowledge this and thus hasn't repaired it.

10 May 2010

Today I learned that..

When I start something I like to finish it.

Which sometimes comes to my disadvantage. Like when I want to finish the editing of a movie instead of studying for exams...

9 May 2010

Today I learned that..

It's probably just as hard being a guy as it is being a girl.

In different aspects surely, but there certainly are pros and cons to which sex we belong to.

8 May 2010

Today I learned that..

There is no feeling comparable to the free fall during a skydive

The one closest to that is the fall for a bungee jump

Today I learned that..

You get annoyed at waiting for something for a long time, but when that something finally gets to you, you totally forget about the waiting

Kind of like waiting 3 weeks because of volcanic ash, and then 9hours because of a queue to go Skydiving for 20mn. It was well worth the wait.

7 May 2010

Today I learned that..

When you mix an ingredient you don't like with LOTS of ingredients you do like, there's a high chance you won't taste the one you dislike.

...like me and the mushroom/sundried tomato/cheese risotto. DISLIKE mushrooms.

6 May 2010

Today I learned that..

2 year olds have more energy than 19 year olds

especially when it comes to going swinging and sliding at 9pm. :) ah, to be young.

5 May 2010

Today I learned that..

It's better to get high before you get drunk

as the saying goes: beer before grass, you're on your ass. Grass before beer, you're in the clear.

Source: Cédric S

4 May 2010

Today I learned that..

A good tutor makes a difference.

Just like a good teacher does. A good tutor is one who inspires interest in the subject and who connects with their students.

3 May 2010

Today I learned that..

Everything else is that much more interesting when you have work due.

haven't you noticed how you are suddenly fascinated with everything around you?

2 May 2010

Today I learned that..

Sometimes you can't kill fire with fire

So don't go dipping into the cold sea (see previous post) when you have a cold to try and get rid of said cold. IT WON'T WORK.

1 May 2010

Today I learned that..

Dipping into the sea at sunrise proves to be very awakening

due to the cold water and all. Unless you dip in the Caribbean.