28 April 2011

Today I learned That..

Princess Diana's engagement ring is worth £32 million

Yes, I know it now belongs to Kate M, but I life in St Andrews and am currently being bombarded with pictures of the royal lovebirds at every sop window, so I refuse to make everything about them, we have other things going on in the world. Plus, it WAS Diana's ring.

Source: Kingdom FM (don't know how reliable they are)

15 April 2011

Today I learned that..

Caledonia is the other name for Scotland

14 April 2011

Today I learned that..

Eargasms are totally legit.

I've experienced them about 25 times in the past 2 days. it's AMAZING.

Source of my eargasms:

13 April 2011

Today I learned that..

The library is an amazing place for People-Watching

Yes, it's a genuine past time, along with drawing dirty pictures, stalking and cooking.

4 April 2011

Today I learned that..

The first "Floppy Disk" was actually floppy

not like those firm smaller plastic square ones. And now you know where the name came from.

2 April 2011

Today I learned that..

Your body is the voice of your feelings.

So pay attention to what it tells you. You didn't just get that rash for no apparent reason, you didn't get sick for no reason. A woman has translated what your body is telling you and turned into a world renown book: Lise Bourbeau, Your Body Says; Love Yourself. This is serious business.