30 September 2010

Today I learned that..

Neanderthals had a bigger brain than the modern day man

29 September 2010

Today I learned that..

Marilyn Monroe had one heel shorter than the other

So it would make her behind sway and make her look all the more sexy. What people do to look good...

28 September 2010

Today I learned that..

some people wear their dog's fur.

And i encourage this. You just collect your pet's hair from the brush and send it to be made into balls that you can later knit with and make a nice fur sweater. No animals harmed, just recycling.
This should be advertised more! DOWN WITH FUR, UP WITH COLLECT HAIR.

27 September 2010

Today I learned that..

When everything is close, things will seem far

And vice versa. So when every shop is 5 minutes away, one that is 6mn away is very far. But if everything is 50mn away and something is 45mn away it will seem so close. And this doesn't make sense, but we're humans, we don't make much sense.

26 September 2010

Today I learned that..

Men should have no more than 3-4 units of alcohol and women 2-3, daily.

And how is this fair to women? Well, I don't care much, I don't drink.

25 September 2010

Today I learned that..

I'm not too fussed about family

except my immediate one like my sisters, mother and grandmothers, but other than that I don't mind not seeing the rest of the family. Unlike most families.

24 September 2010

Today I learned that..

You should trust your instincts

I know for example when something (that has something to do with me) is going to end badly because I start shaking like a leaf. And when I don't know whether I'm going to get something or not, if I don't shake, or don't stress about it, I'm gonna get it! And I generally do.

23 September 2010

Today I learned that..

Having a driver's license is a declaration of independence from your parents.

And driving is fun on top of everything!

22 September 2010

Today I learned that..

Hair is what can change the appearance of a face.

It's impressive how people can look older or younger just by changing their haircut. So take good care of your hair, because if you look pretty now, it's probably thanks to your hair.

21 September 2010

Today I learned that..

Sometimes change is needed to appreciate the usual, the traditional

Like a change in haircut can make you realize that you actually really liked your previous one. Or a change in President or King which would make you say "the last one was actually better when you think about it". So don't fear change, maybe it'll make you enjoy what you had/will have again more.

20 September 2010

Today I learned that..

King Abdullah II keeps his royal cars in the museum

Everyone can enjoy their splendor when they are in, and when he requests any one of them, they just remove it from the Royal Automobile Museum and put it back at later date. It's like a very nice garage.

19 September 2010

Today I learned that..

German health plan covers a week at the Dead Sea for people with psoriasis.

And that is really nice of the Germans, because a week at a Dead Sea spa is VERY expensive. But then again, it heals the patients better than anything else they would have to pay for in Germany.

18 September 2010

Today I learned that..

Not having money gets you free stuff

at least when you say you don't. And you're in Petra. Then you may get free donkey or mule rides. Especially good when you're exhausted and can't walk anymore.

17 September 2010

Today I learned that..

Jordanians are respectful of unavailable ladies.

If you say you've got a boyfriend, a fiancé or a husband, they will sympathize with you but leave you alone. If you are single, they will try to change that status. A diplomatic lie for your safety and comfort never hurt anybody.

16 September 2010

Today I learned that..

Everything is a tourist trap in touristic Jordan

I buy a felafel sandwich for a dinar and a half, the guys in the street buy it for 25 piasters. So make friends with the locals and get them to buy it for you.

15 September 2010

Today I learned that..

Bedouins eat with their hands

no, not with a piece of bread that functions as a spoon or other, with their bare hands. They dig into the rice dish and make little ball of rice with a chicken piece and throw it in their mouthes as it is considered disrespectful (and disgusting) to touch your mouth with the hand that is going back in for more. Also you only use your right hand, the left one is tucked away.

14 September 2010

Today I learned that..

Arab divers need two things for a good dive: pepsi and cigarettes

According to my instructor, Pepsi is very good for buoyancy and cigarettes control your breathing. Right, what else, junkies?

13 September 2010

Today I learned that..

In Jordan people drink Pepsi as much as they smoke cigarettes.

And if you've been following this blog, you'd know that the Middle East is smokers' paradise.

12 September 2010

Today I learned that..

Hair is very important in the Middle East

Having a perfect haircut that is. So going to the "salon" is a weekly activity for women. While you're there, get a mani-pedi.

11 September 2010

Today I learned that..

The Happy birthday song in arabic doesn't say Happy Birthday

It's "Sanna Hilwa ya Gamil" which basically mean "have a sweet year, beautiful!" I can't help but finding that cute.

10 September 2010

Today I learned that..

During the holiday of Eid the most important thing is wearing new clothes and visiting everyone you love/family

Such family values these islamic people!

9 September 2010

Today I learned that..

The Dead Sea is amazing for healing skin problems

But if you have a cut, it's going to rinse and wash and disinfect it with a downside. It's going to feel like you're putting your hand in fire and for some reason, not taking it out.

8 September 2010

Today I learned that..

For Arabs, I don't have foreign blood

Which basically means I don't look like a tourist, I am one of them. One of the upsides of having Armenian origins and thus oriental features. So nice to feel welcome.

7 September 2010

Today I learned that..

The Black Iris is Jordan's national flower

But you can't see that many around anymore.

6 September 2010

Today I learned that..

Narguilé has a laxative effect

On me anyway.

5 September 2010

Today I learned that..

Petrol costs 10pence/litre in Saudi Arabia

Now you know how much it is ACTUALLY worth.

4 September 2010

Today I learned that..

The 500€ bill is the highest value bill

3 September 2010

Today I learned That..

There are alternatives to nursery schools

2 September 2010

Today I learned that...

Iftar is like christmas dinner

Except every night for a whole month. Those Muslims know how to have a good time!

1 September 2010

Today I learned that...

Ramadan is about compassion

You fast from dawn to dusk without eating or even drinking anything. It lasts a month so you feel for the poor, live their lives for a couple of hours a day. Everyday, for iftar, you reward yourself with a big meal. And after the holy month of ramadan is over, you celebrate for 3 days.